The increasing pressure on our coasts due to climate change and human use increases the need for results and options for action for sustainable coastal management. The 3rd Coastal Symposium ‘Küste im Wandel – Coast in Transition 2022’ will be held in Hamburg- Germany between 9-11th of November 2022 and will bring together scientists and practitioners to exchange ideas and discuss
- Alternative coastal protection strategies
- Sustainable fisheries and
- Multiple stressors for coastal organisms
The first day will be focused on exchanges with practitioners (conference language will be German). Then, the scientific discussion will be deepened on the 2nd and 3rd day (conference language will be English).
Important Dates:
- Submission of oral presentations and posters from 1 June until 31 July 2022.
- Registration: until 30 September 2022
The “Third Coastal Symposium – Coast in Transition” is organized by the KüNO program for coastal sea research in the North and Baltic Seas which is funded by the BMBF framework program “Research for Sustainable Development (FONA) and is also an affiliate of FEC.