EuroLag10 | Gdynia, Poland

This year’s EuroLag10 conference will be organised by the University of Gdansk, Institute of Oceanography, Gdynia, Poland, on 19-23 June.

Lagoons and estuaries play an important, buffering role between terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Those complex, dynamic and diverse waterbodies are usually put under huge anthropogenic pressure due to their productivity and location at the coastline. Lagoons and estuaries have traditionally provided numerous goods and services.

EuroLag10 invites presentations in the following topics: (1) assessment of the buffering role of lagoons and estuaries, (2) monitoring designs, indicators and status assessments, (3) new developments for conservation objectives and management measures – environmental preservation vs. economic importance, (4) modelling tools for integrated assessments, and (5) the impact of alien species on coastal ecosystems.

16 January 2023
start of abstract submission

31 March 2023
end of abstract submission

14 April 2023
notification of acceptance, start of registration

19 May 2023
deadline for registration

19-23 June 2023

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