Save the dates for IOCS-2023: 14-17 November 2023
The fifth International Ocean Colour Science (IOCS) meeting will be convened by IOCCG in partnership with the University of South Florida, NASA, and NOAA, and will take place 14-17th November 2023 in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.
IOCS-2023 is entitled: Impact and Value of Ocean Colour Observations in a Changing World: Water in all its Colours with the overall goal of nurturing a strong global user community for ocean and in-land water radiometry and applications, and fostering exchange between the ocean colour research community and international space agencies with an interest in ocean colour science.
The programme for the IOCS-2023 meeting will include invited keynote lectures, agency talks, breakout workshops, poster sessions, and community town halls. It is anticipated training events and side meetings will also be scheduled.
Check the IOCS website for ongoing updates on the 2023 meeting. Registration for the event is expected to open in March 2023.