Dr. Maria Snoussi

Senior Professor

Maria Snoussi is a Professor at the Department of Earth Sciences of Mohammed V University in Rabat and also President of the French IRD Scientific Council.

Her expertise is on coastal geosciences especially Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the integration of climate change in the coastal policies.

She has extensive experience on coastal issues and contributed to several guidelines and reports on ICZM and Climate Change Adaptation in the Mediterranean and served as Technical Advisor to international agencies such as UNEP/MAP and the World Bank.

She also serves on several national, regional and international steering committees.

Links for more information

Which themes and hotspots of Future Earth Coasts are you addressing with your work?

Themes: Dynamic Coasts, Pathways to Coastal Sustainability

Hotspots: Urbanization in coastal zones, River-Mouth Systems, Deltas and Estuaries