Special Issues looking for Contributions

Several of our community members are involved in Special Issues on various topics. Find them below and reach out if you want to contribute or know more.

Special Issue on Coastal Risk Governance in a Changing Climate: Perspectives from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, Ocean & Coastal Management

Ocean & Coastal Management

Special Issue on The Role of Coastal Residents in Adapting to Climate Change

Social, Political, Cultural and Economic Dimensions, in Sustainability

Special issue on The emerging role of data-driven science at the coast in Anthropocene Coasts

FEC's Official Journal

Special Issue on Coastal Management in Times of COVID-19

Ocean & Coastal Management

Special Issue on Marine Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences

Bridging Observation, Prediction and Mitigation in Anthropocene Coasts (FEC's Official Journal)

Special Issue on Coastal Cities in a Changing Climate

Frontiers in Environmental Science, Frontiers in Earth Science, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution