Matteo Convertino, is an Associate Professor of Ecosystem Engineering and Design at Tsinghua University, Shenzhen International Graduate School. He is the director of the fuTuRE EcoSystems Lab (TREES) where the main focus is dedicated into shaping future eco-based development (targeted to interfacial ecosystems) considering climate pressures and values grounded into ecohydrology as the backbone of ecosystem function (energy) and services. Major innovations of Dr. Convertino and his group are about models — in a dynamical eco-structural engineering framework — for the inference of ecological networks (habitats, species, and hydroclimatic flows); network-based forecasting (optimal information networks) of biodiversity shifts and climate services; ecosystem health/fitness assessment models and systemic indicators/monitoring of eco-anomalies (including traceback models for risk/pathway source detection); climate-driven ecosystem portfolio valuation and planning; global sensitivity and uncertainty analyses; eco-inspired networked patterns for multiscale restoration, sensing, and built-environment ecohydrological control.
Current areas of applications are broadly related to ecohydroclimatic security/enhancement and construction through design and engineering; in particular about: blue-carbon flows, accounting and restoration through eco-engineer species under water stress (SLR and biogeochemical stress); eco-symbiotic basin-scale urban adaptation and development under water stress (flood, droughts, distribution of water); network-based habitat-mimicking ecofunctional structures; water-food-biodiversity-carbon enhancement strategies through ecological corridor rewiring; ecological communication (”EcoBITES”), normative and prescriptive policy/laws, design/engineering protocols and strategies for future ecosystems.
keywords: EcoClimate Risk & Solutions, EcoHydrological Flows&Patterns, Ecological Networks and Forecasting, EcoSymbiosis & Terraforming Engineering, Ecosystem Portfolio Management and Planning, Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis, Coupled Human-Natural Systems