Future Earth Coasts

FEC Session at SRI 2024 – Tour de Coasts

Tour de Coasts – Unveiling Global Coastal Sustainability Insights: Interactive Roundtable


1:30 PM – 3:00 PM, Friday, June 14th
University of Helsinki | Päärakennus | Fabianinkatu 33 | U3005


Coastal areas are at the forefront of green transitions to sustainability. The global network of Future Earth Coasts (FEC), and their Tour de Coasts project, conducted a series of interactions to begin a meaningful knowledge exchange to gather general sustainability understanding and gaps with actions, impacts and solutions in the wider network. The core team, with the help of the FEC Executive Committee (ExCom), co-designed a brief questionnaire based on previous research to gather these understandings. The group invited affiliated researchers and practitioners and communities engaged with them to participate. These partners have unique understandings of coastal sustainability issues reflective of various coastal system types, geographies, and socio-economic realities. The Tour de Coasts project engaged our colleagues in FEC International Project Offices (IPOs), Regional Engagement Partner organizations, Affiliated Projects, Supported Networks and the FEC Academy and Fellows groups. Specific goals were to create a global narrative about coastal sustainability opportunities, challenges and priority concerns and report it back to the community. Additionally, we extended invitations to participants beyond the FEC network, seeking diverse perspectives and insights to enrich our understanding and findings.

The Sustainability Research and Innovation (SRI) Congress 2024 is an outstanding platform to share the results of these activities and gather diverse stakeholders’ perspectives. SRI’s breadth and depth of participants’ experiences furthermore have unmatched sustainability understanding that can significantly contribute towards actionable impacts for solutions on a global scale. At the SRI 2024, the Tour de Coasts group will present current survey findings and have an interactive roundtable discussion to engage Congress’s attendees to gather additional insights on coastal sustainability understandings. The team aims to find similarities and differences in survey results from these groups and engage multiple diverse stakeholders in a discussion and knowledge co-production on coastal sustainability perspectives.


Ekaterina “Katya” Altman
Dwayne Porter
Anja Scheffers
Xiaoyu Fang
Heath Kelsey
Gerardo Perillo
Denis Aheto

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